Monday, July 13, 2009

Mature Dating - Does Your Partner Have Breathing Room?

By Allan Tane

Does your partner have breathing room in your dating relationship? If there is breathing room than you both are experiencing a mature dating relationship; if there isn't, then obviously, you're relationship is not mature.

So what is breathing room, anyway? When you and your partner give each other the necessary space to have some alone time, you have breathing room. When you don't pressure your partner to change and allow for differences between you two, then you have breathing room. If you start to lose yourself and begin to change to what your partner expects you to be, you are not functioning in a mature dating relationship and you are doing a disservice to yourself and to your partner. It's not fair for your partner to expect you to change to what he or she wants you to be. If you are involved in that type of a relationship, you should exit it immediately. You are worthy of more respect than your current partner is giving you. True love is unconditional and it means that we accept each other just as we are, warts and all.

Another example of giving too much space is to allow your partner to have a lot of friends of the opposite sex and your partner starts to spend more time with them than with you. In order to be involved in a mature dating relationship, you need to set some boundaries and speak honestly with your partner about this and how it is making you feel. Most likely, your partner has always had a lot of friends of the opposite sex and this seems normal to him or her. However, you are most likely feeling threatened that your partner will start to feel more than platonic feelings for one or more of these friends. You have valid threatening feelings here and need to express them in a nice way to your partner, while giving him or her some understanding of the relational background that has caused him or her to have a lot of friends of the opposite sex.

Does this mean that you should live with the fact that your partner has so much freedom and breathing room that he or she walks all over you? Of course not. You need to find that delicate balance between giving each other breathing room and stating the boundaries that you are willing to live with. For example, if you partner wants to hang out with his or her friends, should you stop this from happening? If you try to stop it, then either your partner will hang out with his or her friends without your blessing or he or she will abide by your wishes and eventually grow bitter with you for not allowing this to happen. Hanging out with friends is actually a good thing; it allows you and your partner to experience that precious breathing room that is healthy for your relationship. If you have too much breathing room though, that is not healthy for your relationship. It's all about expressing your honest feelings about the issues that affect your relationship and working together to find the balance between breathing room and stating boundaries and living within a mature dating relationship.

Allen Tane is an experienced writer on the professional singles market and mature dating industry. He has been writing for quite a while and has had countless articles published. Some of Allen's most favorite topics to write on include single professionals over 30, mature dating professional singles, relationships, and matchmaking. Allen's articles are well written and memorable. They are especially great for anyone looking to start dating and still keep up with their daily activities.

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