Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Does Love at First Sight Truly Exist?

By Joshua Windland

Have you ever known someone that swears they fell in love at first sight? Maybe you have fallen in love at first sight? Have you ever stopped to think whether or not if it is really possible? Love at first sight is an idea that has been promoted by the movie industry since its infancy. The question is, does it really exist? If so, can it last?

Many times the quick and instant attraction fizzles over time, but for some people it can last. It is important to understand what happens in the initial attraction in order to understand attraction fully. Let's be honest, what attracts men in the beginning is looks, the appearance quotient. For women it is a lot more complicated. It is an overall sense of "who" the person is. This is not to say that it is impossible for true love to grow from visual appeal, just as it does between couples that have the same initial attraction. But for any relationship to last it must be built on more than just an initial appeal.

After thinking about the preceding thoughts, do you think you have fallen in love at first sight or was it just an instant attraction? My advice: close your eyes and listen to the other person's heart. Why do you close your eyes? You close your eyes to take out the visual factor. Give yourself time to determine if it is really love. To help you figure it out, here are three guidelines to follow:

1) Enjoy the beginning thrill, but have at least six dates to entertain the idea that this other person may actually be "the one."
2) For the first three to six months beware! Use this as an observation period to rid yourself of this image that you have built about this person and truly take the time to figure out who they are. How does this person deal with other people? Who do they deal with conflict? What characteristics do they display?
3) Times of stress are times that true character is revealed. Are they caring and responsible? Are they there during an emergency? Do they tell the truth?

True love may exist, but not likely. It takes time to get to know who the other person is. Be sure to take the time and find out who the other person is before you jump into a full-blown relationship.

Joshua has been obsessed with relationships his whole life and now has begun writing articles about it. Come visit his latest website over at http://www.electricshaverformen.net/ which helps people find the best electric shavers for men and information people are looking for relating to shavers.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joshua_Windland

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