Friday, March 26, 2010

The Three Best Steps to Online Dating Happiness

By Mikey Jamison and Alison Joy Jamison

I was recently sitting with a girl friend having a cup of coffee in an Auckland Cafe. I shared with her my commitment to helping people find a true love online This friend of mine related back the following story:

A friend of hers fell pregnant late in life and three months after she gave birth to her little boy, her partner left her. Devastated and grappling with raw emotions, this friend tried a few online dates. The results were pitiful with a zero success rate. Then after reaching the point of no return this friend took some transformational online dating steps, met her true love and is now happily married. You may ask what were these steps and how did they make a difference?

1. Create Your Ideal Online True Love Before Going Online:

If you want success in the online dating game, create, who you want to meet online before you even begin to fill out your profile. Do this by writing out a list of all the characteristics you want in a partner. In the case of the lady in the above story she listed out forty eight specific characteristics she wanted from a potential online date. Some of the characteristics could include: hair, skin and eye colour, age, height,build, income, career,philosophy of life, personality,religious beliefs,hobbies and interests. These are just some ideas of characteristics, the more specific you become the better the chances of matching who you really want to date.

2. Create A Specific Time Line:

Unless you can vision a specific time line, most likely your true love will takes years to find. You now have the characteristics you want to find in your true love, so now put a time frame as to when you want the relationship to exist by. This is somewhat futuristic planning but it creates the dating process as a reality obtainable using the measure of time. Where do you want, for example, to be with your online dating true love in a year, six months, three months, two weeks out from beginning to date online? Working backwards will help you create realistic goals for your online dating process. This process will help you define for yourself whether or not you want a long term or short term relationship. Whatever the parameters are for you be clear on these before going online.

Throughout the planning process, write down your time line on paper as this changes thoughts into real measures that are defined in reality, not just in your head. To simplify: make the process real for yourself by creating a vision of your dating process set in time and space.

3. Have Faith That The Relationship Will Be What You Create It To Be:

There is no point in going online dating if you can not truely have faith that you will within your created time line meet your true love. This means putting aside all raw emotions regarding past experiences, and creating the dating process afresh for yourself. In addition throughout the process keep all negative thoughts out of the picture. If you are having a down day about your online dating process, take out your notes of what you have created and keep the vision alive. Doing this exercise will also enlighten you as to how far you have come in meeting and dating your true love!

Remember the lady in the story,she created her perfect true love before she went online dating and within a year married her true love. Have faith in creating the perfect true love before going online and keep the vision alive in a written time line.

True love can happen to anyone at any time, have faith, have courage and if things seem to be taking a long time it is because you have yet to meet the one. That person is out there somewhere and with perseverance you will find them. Never, ever give up, when you really want something you will find it regardless of how hard it seems

Copyright (c) 2010 Michael Jamison

Michael and Alison Jamison have been together 5 years and married for 3. They met on an online dating site and have never regretted the experience. Michael and Alison love to assist others in their quest for true love, visit for more invaluable tips and aid in finding your true love

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