Monday, June 8, 2009

What is the Magic Secret to a Love Relationship

By H. L. Archer

If there is then nobody has ever discovered it. If they had they would be a billionaire and the rest of us would live happily ever after.

No, there is no secret, but you can have a long lasting love relationship. The only thing that is required is some common sense and everyday diligence.

Here are some key ingredients to the making of a long lasting love relationship:

* Be thoughtful. Your partner has a life too, full of many of the desires and needs that you have. Being constantly aware of this and being helpful and unselfish can go a long way toward cementing a relationship.

* Treat your partner with respect. The same respect that you would appreciate. If you cause them to feel stupid or make them the brunt of jokes, how do you think that makes them feel.

* Practice kindness. You treat strangers with kindness. Why not your partner? Saying thank you, can I help you or showing genuine interest in what they have to say will get you the same in return.

* Always be honest. There is so much truth in the old saying 'Oh what tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive.' One of the biggest things that ruins trust in a relationship deception that leads to lies. No lasting love relationship can be attained where there is not truth.

* Make them laugh. A happy partner is a contented partner. Always be upbeat, happy and optimistic. Don't bring your problems into your relationships, when you do it causes your partner to feel a part of them. They have problems of their own and when you are together, both partners should enjoy that time together.

* Show your love. Why do so many people, especially men find it so hard to say I love you? In order to attain a long lasting love relationship, one must constantly reaffirm that love. A hug, a tender look, being attentive, these all contribute to showing love. But, nothing takes the place of saying I love you. These words should be said several times a day. I don't mean that you should be silly or doting, but a sincerely said 'I love you' will keep your relationship alive and thriving.

Although there isn't a magical secret, doing these and other attentive things can go a long way toward realizing the long lasting love relationship that you seek.

Life is short and the moments you spend with the one you love are too few, so make the most of each and everyone of these moments so there will be no future regrets.

H L Archer is well versed in the field of romantic relations having helped many people over the years to solve problems of dating, strained marital relations, divorce, dating after divorce and surviving after a relationship breakup. If you are having trouble with a relationship you do not have to cope with it alone.

What you need is common sense caring advise that you can put to the best use to make a sound decision. Do not allow emotion to take control and cause you to make hasty choices that you will later regret. This is the time for clear thinking. H L Archer would like to extend a helpful hand to you and any others that may be having trouble with a relationship.

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